22101 Redwood Rd., Suite B, Castro Valley, California 94546

Modesto Location

209-251-0200 Click here

Sebastopol Location

707-503-6100 Click here

Please call to schedule for Covid-19 Test Appointment

Phone: 510-605-5330

Hours of Operation: 9AM–9PM daily, including weekends and holidays


Reasons to Get Your Yearly Influenza Vaccine Early

Every year, a lot of people require urgent medical treatment because of flu complications. However, every year, many still hesitate to get a flu vaccination due to some unfounded misconceptions that it’s dangerous. But the thing is, it’s...

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Is It the Coronavirus or Seasonal Allergies?

Nowadays, every little sneeze and cough can be taken as a sign of coronavirus infection. For people who are allergic to ragweed and molds, this season may cause them to feel extra anxious. Is that itch on the back of your throat your allergy...

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How to Relieve Sinus-Caused Ear Congestion

Ear congestion happens when your Eustachian tube – the small canal that runs between your nose and middle ear, which helps equalize the pressure in your ears – becomes obstructed or is malfunctioning. The moment the Eustachian tube...

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Skin Testing for Allergies: When You Shouldn’t Take It

Skin testing can help you identify your allergens. Hence, preventing you from having allergy outbreaks that require urgent medical treatment in California. While it may be extremely beneficial, it isn't recommended under certain conditions....

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How to Prevent Your Flu from Becoming a Serious Illness

The flu may be a common ailment. However, there are times when it becomes too severe that the patient will have to seek emergency treatment from the nearest urgent care center in Castro Valley, California. If you don't want to suffer from...

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Best Diet for Nasal Allergies

An allergen, or a substance that can trigger an allergic reaction in us, comes in different forms. One of which is food. Yes, there may be certain foods you are allergic to, and commonly, you get nasal allergies. Thus, as a reliable facility...

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