Common Asthma Triggers to Look Out For in Children
When exposed to specific triggers, such as pollen or acquiring a cold or other respiratory illness, the lungs and airways of children with asthma become quickly irritated. Asthma in children can create unpleasant everyday symptoms that interfere...
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Effective Ways to Prevent Sicknesses
With new viruses, there is no wonder why sicknesses have become more prevalent, making every interaction and trip outdoors a threat to our health. So during these times, it is an absolute must to keep our health in check and practice preventive...
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The Ailments That We Treat
For many people, finding the right kind of health care provider is essential to their overall health and well-being. That is why choosing the right people can be so difficult. We at Progressive Urgent Care - Castro Valley can make your choice...
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Obvious Signs of an Ear Infection In Kids
Ear infections are a lot more common than you think. Especially among young children. So if your child is complaining about ear irritation, don’t panic. We know that itchiness is one of the symptoms of an ear infection. But we can also argue...
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Take Care of Yourself with Preventative Care
Prevention is not just better than cure. Prevention is also better for your pocket. Treating a disease at the early stage is far cheaper compared with utilizing a care service for severe diseases. To ensure optimal health, take advantage of...
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Animal Bites in Children: What to Do
Because of children’s playfulness and curiosity, they may easily become targets of animal aggression resulting in possible bites and injuries. Animal bites or scratches that break the skin can lead to infection. If the cut or wound is large,...
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