Not all injuries will require you to rush your child to the emergency room. In some cases, going to an urgent care center in California should be enough. Generally, you go for urgent care for minor, non-life-threatening injuries while you visit the ER if the child needs major medical attention.
Here are some of the common examples for that:
- Bumps
A minor bump is usually nothing to worry about. However, it is a different matter if the child seems disoriented, has ongoing pain, and vomiting. You will need to go to the ER immediately. - Persistent cough
Going to a medical clinic in Castro Valley, California is cheaper than going to the ER for a persistent cough. You don’t have to wait in line for a long time to get the medical attention your child needs. - The child swallowed something they shouldn’t have
If the child is choking, call 911. If the child has swallowed a corrosive or poisonous substance, call 911. Urgent care should be fine if the child swallowed non-edibles and are still able to announce their feat to you proudly.
Progressive Urgent Care – Castro Valley can handle any injuries or illnesses that require urgent medical treatment. Our doors are always open for you and your loved ones if you need medical assistance now.
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