Broken bones are a pretty common injury, especially for outgoing children, teens, and adults. Bone fractures can vary from minor ones that don’t require urgent medical treatment to life-threatening ones that have the risk of puncturing an organ or internal bleeding.
If you’re suffering from a major bone fracture, then going to the ER is a must. Protruding bones, bone fractures that didn’t break through the skin and are causing internal pain, as well as bone fractures that happen near vital internal organs are cases that must be handled in ER.
On the other hand, if you’re suffering from a sprain, it’s much more convenient to visit a medical clinic in Castro Valley, California. You’ll receive medical attention faster here than in an emergency room.
What Happens During Medical Intervention
- Once a person is rushed to the clinic for medical intervention, the medical staff will come to quickly assess the bone fracture area. They will then determine the best course of treatment for the case at hand.
- Of course, having a broken bone can be very painful. Once you go to the clinic, they will immediately address pain management control. In fact, it is almost always addressed first before any form of treatment is administered.
Progressive Urgent Care – Castro Valley is your go-to urgent care center in California when you our your loved ones suffer from a broken bone. Kindly visit our clinic if you need emergency medical treatment for bone fractures.
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